Truth in Accounting Names Irvine #1
Today, Truth in Accounting ranked the City of Irvine #1 among fiscally healthy cities for the third year in a row. "Irvine works hard at...

University High School Wins Regional Science Bowl at JPL Third Year in a Row
Southern California high school students had mere seconds to answer complex science questions that would rattle even the most stalwart...

Anthony Kuo Appointed to the Fire Board
Irvine, California - Today, Irvine City Councilmember Anthony Kuo was sworn-in and seated as a member of the Orange County Fire...

Congratulations to IPD Sergeants Do and Hernandez
I was honored to join Mayor Shea, Mayor Pro Tem Carroll, Councilmember Khan, and the community today for the official promotion ceremony...

Pets for Vets
Irvine, CA - With the 2019 passage and January 1, 2020 implementation of SB 245, Irvine Councilmember Anthony Kuo issued the following...