City of Irvine Registrar of Voters Announces Vote Centers and Ballot Drop Boxes
Irvine, California - The City of Irvine will be home to 14 Vote Centers and an additional seven Ballot Drop Boxes for the upcoming...

Join the Irvine Police for Drive-Through Trick-or-Treating!
Irvine, California - Join the Irvine Police Department on Friday, October 30 for a fun-filled, Covid-conscious night of...

World's Largest Helitanker to Fight Fires in Orange County
Irvine, California - Today, the Orange County Fire Authority unveiled the World's Largest Helitanker, a fire fighting tool capable of...

Irvine Playgrounds to Re-Open
Irvine, California - Today, the City of Irvine announced the re-opening of playgrounds, pursuant to guidance from the Office of the...

Coronavirus Testing Begins in Irvine
The City of Irvine, in partnership with Curogram and multiple laboratories, including local Pangea Laboratory, will be providing...

Kuo Joins Keep California Safe campaign
The Keep California Safe Campaign, which is dedicated to passing the “Reducing Crime and Keeping California Safe Act of 2020” that will...

Irvine City Council Directs Strategies to Prevent COVID-19
In its March 12 Irvine City Council closed session, the City Council deliberated at length concerning the effects of the spread of the...

Teen girls rappel down buildings, learn firefighting during empowerment camp
Jenna Stark is the woman you’d want to pull you from a burning building. She can deadlift 300 pounds and back-squat 200. She’s good to go...

Truth in Accounting Names Irvine #1
Today, Truth in Accounting ranked the City of Irvine #1 among fiscally healthy cities for the third year in a row. "Irvine works hard at...

University High School Wins Regional Science Bowl at JPL Third Year in a Row
Southern California high school students had mere seconds to answer complex science questions that would rattle even the most stalwart...