Irvine Named Happiest City in California
Irvine has been named the Happiest City in California! Earlier today, personal finance website Wallet Hub announced their Happiest Cities...

OC Register Endorses Anthony Kuo
[Kuo's] priorities are public safety, parks, and open space, supporting our schools, as well as traffic and infrastructure. We're co

Irvine Weekly Endorses Anthony Kuo
Few people exude the passion for the city of Irvine shown by Anthony Kuo. He lives, breathes, and sleeps Irvine. That is exactly the type of

Irvine City News Endorses Anthony Kuo
Anthony Kuo has experience in the city, and has concrete answers to problems facing Irvine. It's Kuo's enthusiasm and love for the c

Happy New Year | 2018
The Roman philosopher Seneca said, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." The 1990s band Semisonic later made this...

LA Times / Daily Pilot: Irvine boosts affordable housing priority level for veterans
In case you missed it, heres an article penned by Matt Morrison for the Daily Pilot: U.S. military veterans will now have the designation...