City of Irvine Registrar of Voters Announces Vote Centers and Ballot Drop Boxes
Irvine, California - The City of Irvine will be home to 14 Vote Centers and an additional seven Ballot Drop Boxes for the upcoming...
Irvine Weekly Endorses Anthony Kuo
Few people exude the passion for the city of Irvine shown by Anthony Kuo. He lives, breathes, and sleeps Irvine. That is exactly the type of
Irvine City News Endorses Anthony Kuo
Anthony Kuo has experience in the city, and has concrete answers to problems facing Irvine. It's Kuo's enthusiasm and love for the c
Anthony Kuo First to File and Qualify for Irvine City Council
Irvine, CA - Today, Commissioner Anthony Kuo officially qualified as a candidate for Irvine City Council and will appear on the November...
I'm on your November ballot!
The Irvine City Clerk has informed me that I have officially qualified to be on the November 8th General Election ballot in Irvine. As a...