LA Times / Daily Pilot: Irvine boosts affordable housing priority level for veterans
In case you missed it, heres an article penned by Matt Morrison for the Daily Pilot:
U.S. military veterans will now have the designation as a subset of special needs applicants when it comes to affordable housing in the city of Irvine.
The distinction elevates the priority of service veterans in Irvine's affordable housing plan as part of a six-point policy amendment recommended by the Ad Hoc Veterans Affordable Housing committee established last year. In perhaps the most united front seen in Irvine in several years, the City Council unanimously approved all the recommendations without discussion the night before Veterans Day.
"This shows our community the city of Irvine truly honors our veterans for their patriotism and commitment to serve our great country," noted Councilwoman Christina Shea, who served as chair of the ad hoc committee.

Other members on the seven-person panel were Mayor Pro Tem Jeff Lalloway, city planning commission chair Anthony Kuo, and four members of the community representing veteran affairs; Ronnie Guyer, William Woolett, Jr., Bobby McDonald and Patricia Whitaker, who operates Innovative Housing Opportunities, a nonprofit affordable housing organization in Irvine
(Pictured: Bill Woollett, a member of the Ad Hoc Committee on Veterans Affordable Housing and Irvine's first City Manager with Committee Member and Planning Commission Chairman Anthony Kuo)
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