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News from Anthony

Why #shopIrvine, why #dineIrvine?

I'm a big supporter of Irvine's retailers and restaurants.

My family built and ran Chinatown Restaurant near UC Irvine for over 20 years. Many of our longstanding friendships throughout town were built there on egg rolls and our famous "Aromatic Shrimp."

Today, we're charged about 8% sales tax each time we eat out or make a purchase in town. Did you know that about 1% comes back to Irvine's budget?

In fact, over one-third of the City's budget comes from sales tax revenue. In 2013-14, that accounted for over $55 million. Apple, Tilly's, and our car dealerships are among our largest sales tax producers. My friend, Finance Commission Vice Chairman Allan Bartlett recently reported that City "revenues have outperformed budget estimates by over $1.7 million," in the fiscal year already.

Through encouraging a robust stream of sales tax revenue and responsible fiscal management, we can ensure we have the resources to keep our families safe with a nationally-recognized police force, play in our beautiful neighborhood and community parks, and drive on roads that don't have potholes.

So, the next time you're thinking of eating out or buying yourself some new shoes, think local, and #shopIrvine #dineIrvine.

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