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I'm on your November ballot!

The Irvine City Clerk has informed me that I have officially qualified to be on the November 8th General Election ballot in Irvine.

As a candidate for the Irvine City Council, it's crucial that I reach out to people throughout Irvine about how I intend to serve them.

Here is the text of my ballot statement that will appear in official elections materials:

I love Irvine. Anyone who knows me will tell you that!

My family chose to make Irvine their home nearly 40 years ago. I was raised here benefiting from remarkable public schools and safe neighborhoods. I’ve been blessed to learn from and serve alongside my neighbors in local organizations like the Exchange Club of Irvine, Irvine Junior Games, and the Irvine Valley College Foundation.

Irvine is a world-class city. I can think of no other place I’d rather call home. Keeping Irvine an incredible community and maintaining our quality of life happen as a result of hard work, detailed planning, and dedicated leadership.

I am passionate about Irvine, and committed to our community. I have spent my life serving youth, seniors, veterans, and our entire community with that attitude.

You deserve a City Hall that works for you. As a commissioner, I have earned a reputation of being fair, accountable, and accessible. As your Councilman, I’ll roll up my sleeves on Day One to lead with common sense solutions and better results that live up to your expectations for our city.

Connect directly with me at

I hope to earn your support, your vote, and the privilege of representing you on the City Council.

Anthony Kuo

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