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Upcoming Planning Commission Meeting to Discuss Proposal in Woodbridge

Earlier today, City Staff released the Agenda for the August 16, 2018 meeting of the Irvine Planning Commission.

Included in the Agenda is an item proposing a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and Master Plan for the property at 2 Osborn in Woodbridge.

While the Applicant, Sterling America Investments, has made its way through our normal process, including appearing before the City's Transportation Commission, our Staff is recommending denial of the project.

Having grown up in Woodbridge, I've heard from many of neighbors who have offered their perspectives on this proposal. As your representative on the City's Planning Commission, appointed by our mayor, I value your opinions. When these discussions and decisions come before the City, the character of our community, and project impacts must always be considered. Like other projects that have been proposed, we will conduct a thorough vetting of the Sterling Medical project and ultimately offer our recommendations to the City Council.

Click here to read the full staff report.

As with every meeting of the Commission, you are invited to attend, to listen to the presentations, and to offer your input. Here are the details of our meeting:

Thursday, August 16, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Irvine City Hall

Conference & Training Center

1 Civic Center Plaza (corner of Harvard Avenue and Alton Parkway)

Irvine, California

No RSVP is required to attend this public meeting.

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