Pets for Vets
Irvine, CA - With the 2019 passage and January 1, 2020 implementation of SB 245, Irvine Councilmember Anthony Kuo issued the following statement:
"I am enthusiastic about the implementation of SB 245, California's Pets for Vets Act, authored by my friend Senator Ling Ling Chang. The Irvine Animal Care Center is waiving cat, dog, and rabbit adoption fees for military veterans in a way that goes above and beyond state law. As of January 1, Veterans visiting the Irvine Animal Care Center can add a new pet to their home for free. I am proud that we are taking this step forward to be both pet- and veteran friendly!"
Following the passage of SB 245, the City Council received an update from Irvine Animal Care Center staff on its implementation at Councilmember Kuo's request.
The enactment of Senate Bill 245 calls on animal shelters throughout the state to waive pet adoption fees for the more than 2 million military veterans, including many who struggle to cope with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and could benefit from animal companions.
For more information on Irvine's implementation of SB 245, call 949-724-7740 or visit

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Following nearly eight years on the Planning Commission, Anthony Kuo was elected to the Irvine City Council 2018. In 2019, he was selected by his peers to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore. In addition to serving on the Council's Animal Care Center Sub-Committee, Kuo also serves on the Boards of Directors for the Irvine Children's Fund and Irvine Barclay Theatre. He is the first member of the City Council to have grown up in Irvine.