Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes

Irvine Vice Mayor James Mai

Councilmember Mike Carroll

Mayor Christina Shea (ret'd.)

IUSD Board of Education Member Lauren Brooks
Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes
Irvine Vice Mayor James Mai
Irvine Councilman Mike Carroll, 4th District
Irvine Mayor Christina Shea (ret'd.)
Irvine Councilman Greg Smith (ret'd.)
Lincoln Club of Orange County
Orange County Auto Dealers Association
Western States Regional Council of Carpenters
Irvine Associated Supervisory / Administrative Personnel (ASAP)
Irvine City Employees Association (ICEA)
Irvine Police Association (IPA)
Irvine Professional Employees Association (IPEA)
Orange County Employees Association (OCEA)
IRWD Director John Withers
IUSD Board of Education Member Lauren Brooks
Former IUSD Board of Education Member Ira Glasky
Irvine Commissioner Logan Jeffs
Irvine Commissioner Christine Knowland
Irvine Commissioner Dick Owens
Irvine Commissioner Jeff Pierson
Irvine Commissioner Kevin Trussell
What People Are Saying ...
"Anthony Kuo has stood with families time and time again to support public education in Irvine. He understands the significance and is committed to the partnership of the city and the Irvine Unified School District."
--Lauren S. Brooks, Irvine School Board
"I've served in local community organizations for years. Anthony Kuo loves Irvine and his enthusiasm for Irvine is overwhelming. I'm supporting him because he'll be such a great addition to our City Council!"
-- Mary Curren of Woodbridge
"We never forget who the people that make a difference are. Difference is about things that we don’t benefit from personally. You are a 10 in my book and I do appreciate your support of the arts and culture." -- Hezy Shaked, Executive Chairman and Founder, Tilly's
To see more of what people are saying, or to view more pictures, click here.